ThresholdsRehau Total70CChamfered 70mm system (bevelled) 52mm uPVC low threshold 546075 Casement: Slim chamfered (bevelled) Outer frame: 52mm 72mm uPVC threshold 546185 Casement: Large chamfered (bevelled) Outer frame: 72mm Rehau Total70SSculptured 70mm system 52mm uPVC threshold 546645 Casement: Slim sculptured Outer frame: 52mm 72mm uPVC threshold 546655 Casement: Large sculptured Outer frame: 72mm Aluminium low thresholdsThresholds for composite doors Low aluminium threshold Open in Low aluminium threshold Open out Downloads Download this threshold data ARE YOU LOOKING FOR… UPVC WINDOWS RAYA uPVC FLUSH WINDOWS AEON FLUSH glass & solid roofing AURA ALUMINIUM COMPOSITE DOORS RIVA FRONT DOORS TRADE KNOWLEDGE Our most visited pages ORDER FORMS View or download all order forms Order forms TRADE AREA Order forms, technical product data, accreditations… Trade area TECHNICAL SECTION Technical documentation and downloads Technical Downloads HARDWARE Options, finishes, colours and data sheets Hardware Where can we take you now?your next move Get in touch today! Request a call back Become a customer Why switch to Iceni? Start from the homepage